Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wind advisory

Our cold snap, which killed off a lot of beavertail cacti and citrus trees, lasted just two days. Some of my shrubs look pretty badly frozen off, too, such as the oleanders and bottle brush shrub.

We had near record highs again last week. This weekend, just in time for a long weekend, it's back to cold winds and possible rain. I like this wind and I hope for rain.

Two days ago I received my first germination center in the mail. I quickly planted that thing full of tomato seeds (Big Boy and Romas). I also got a heating pad and a plant grow light with which I am pleased. I may get a few more trays and plant more seeds. I also got a mini greenhouse due in next week to grow even more stuff.

I don't plan on having anything grow outside until June, though. This year's garden will be better controlled than in the last few years.

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