Monday, October 4, 2010

Time to plant the fall harvest

I dug up the old cabbage patch earlier today. The patch had been abandoned over a year ago and last year's plants were still standing, albeit heavily holed by grasshoppers. I tore those out, cut them up and placed them in our compost pile. I found a few grubs while tilling the soil which I saved for the birds that were watching me from the nearby palm tree.

I tilled enough for two small rows of red cabbage. That's about ten plants. I placed a cage over the seeds so that the cat wouldn't be tempted to pee in my patch (since I caught him in the act anyway; luckily I had a hose ready).

It's still so beautifully mild here. A rain storm allegedly is due later around Tucson but that doesn't mean we'll get one here 75 miles further southeast. There are dark clouds over the mountains, though, and it's hot outside: 77F at 35% humidity so we may get some rain. That's fine with me.

I love this weather. Earlier I got carried away with photographing a few hummingbirds in the front yard.

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