Thursday, March 17, 2011

Getting the garden started

This morning I got the plants that I bought yesterday into the soil. Ten strawberries are sharing a 4x4 raised bed with spinach, another 4x4 bed is sharing red cabbage with beets, and three heirloom tomatoes are now in the large 4x10 bed. I sprinkled marigold seeds around the tomatoes, planted two pea seedlings and a few beet seeds...there should be something coming up by the end of the month.

I used all the compost for that large bed, and it barely covered the surface.

I want to get more basil plants around the tomatoes. I want to use more herbs this year, as a means to help repel insects.

I have the Three Sisters plot solarizing for another two months.

I still have all these bean and tomato seedlings from the germination sets coming up. The tomatoes don't seem to be growing much now anyway. Getting those transplanted will be difficult.

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