Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A busy Memorial Day weekend gardening

This time Kevin takes the prize for taking the initiative to get the backyard cleaned up. He was up early yesterday sorting through all the stuff that could be hauled away, from sun-torn frost sheets, broken pots to rotting wood. It all filled his pick-up truck and this morning he took it all to the dump before work.

In another week or so we'll hvae a truck load of organic trash to take to the dump: years of dead branches, palm fronds, freeze-killed vegetation. I'm also going to trim a lot of plants of the dead branches. I could perhaps also rake up all the dead oleander leaves.

He also set up bird netting around one of our 10x4 lot, using the old PVC pipes and getting corners for them. They may not be too sturdy during our winds though, as I've already had to adjust a few beams.

The vegetables are slowly coming up. I'm still fighting a battle with the yellow and black aphids though, and one spinach had sponge fungus that showed up overnight. K also planted the small peet cups of turnips and beets into the eastern lot, and in another week or so he'll have more to plant there as the lettuce, cabbage and other goodies come up.

The older cabbage is looking harvestable.

I took my grapefruit tree outside, the last tree to see sunlight. The plant was shocked by the drastic weather change. The leaves burned and today the leaves have all dropped. It will now regrow hardier leaves and do better now.

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